Responding to Climate Change
Responding to Climate Change
Our group has been actively engaged in providing technological services and operating businesses related to achieving a climate change/decarbonized society from both “mitigation” measures aimed at absorbing and reducing greenhouse gases and “adaptation” measures to prepare for the various impacts of climate change.
Furthermore, we will tackle the worsening climate crisis head-on and contribute to solving climate change challenges across various sectors such as urban development, transportation, forest conservation, renewable energy, disaster reduction/prevention, and more, through our various technologies.
Additionally, in accordance with our "Sustainability Basic Policy," we aim to achieve a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 equivalent) by 2030 in our main companies.
Through these activities, we are aiming to create a more harmonious and prosperous social environment in balance with the natural and living environment.
In September 2023, ID&E Holdings declared its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and is promoting further disclose based on the TCFD recommendations.
In September 2023, ID&E Holdings declared its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.
The latest disclosure details are here(latest disclosure date: April 2024):
Efforts to address Issues on Climate Change
Portal site NK-ClimVault
We have developed correction technology for climate change prediction and have launched the portal site NK-ClimVault, which allows users to obtain future climate prediction information on rainfall and temperature in major cities free of charge. As a tool that anyone can use to obtain highly accurate basic climate information, it can be used for climate change adaptation business and research in various fields.
We are implementing the trial project called 'NKRE100,' which aims to achieve 100% renewable energy usage at three locations in Japan, including our headquarters by supplying electricity from hydroelectric power plants operated by ourselves..
We will expand the procurement of electricity derived from renewable energy according to regional characteristics, including the deployment of NKRE100 to our group’s other locations in Japan.
Participation in other External Initiatives
GX League
We have participated in the "GX League," which was established based on the "GX League Basic Concept" led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan.
"The GX League" was established as a platform for corporations, government agencies, educational and research institutions, and others to collaborate in aiming for Japan's carbon neutrality by 2050. It is a space for discussion and implementation of challenges towards GX (Green Transformation), aiming for the transformation of the economic and social systems and the creation of new markets.
From now on, ID&E will register data such as greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and regularly monitor/report greenhouse gas emission to the GX League.
Support and Participation in the “Challenge Zero”
ID&E supports the "Challenge Zero" declaration, an initiative on climate change being promoted by the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) in collaboration with the Japanese government. "Challenge Zero" aims to strongly promote and support the innovative actions being taken by companies and organizations both domestically and internationally in order to achieve a "decarbonized society," which is positioned as the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement, an international framework for climate change countermeasures.
Disclosure of Climate Change Performance Data
CO2 emissions are decreasing due to the promotion of energy-saving activities at offices and factories and the use of solar power generation at factories.
In addition to curbing energy consumption, we are working to supply 100% renewable electricity from the hydroelectric power plants that we operate to three of our company locations (Head Office, R&D Center, and a manufacturing site).
ID&E aims to disclose climate change-related information transparently and reliably based on the TCFD recommendations and succeeding ISSB standard (IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures).
We will actively pursue both expanding and deepening environmental information disclosure while also actively working towards reducing GHG emissions and energy emissions, as well as engaging in carbon offset activities.